Former Blue Dog Chiefs Launch Lobbying & Public Affairs Firm

WASHINGTON - Two former chiefs of staff and political strategists to Blue Dog leaders in Congress, Brad Howard & Sally Adams, this week launched Corcoran Street Group (CSG), a full-service lobbying and public affairs firm based in Washington, D.C.

Howard, whose background includes a unique expertise of policy, politics, and communications in high-stakes environments, says the new firm will deliver comprehensive, innovative, and results-driven solutions that strategically navigate the chaotic public policy arena while reducing political, policy, and/or regulatory risks for clients.

CSG Founder & President Brad Howard launched CSG to help clients navigate today’s complex public affairs environment using his 15+ years of experience in lobbying, government, campaigns, and strategic communications.

“Traditional lobbying can only get you so far as laws and regulations are not made in a vacuum; they are made by building communities and coalitions that push past the noise and competing interests and get the right people’s attention in the right way,” said Howard, who will lead Corcoran Street Group as president. “Through our expertise in government relations, public affairs, communications, and politics, we come at every challenge from every angle. Leveraging our relationships around Washington and our experience running some of the nation’s most competitive campaigns, we maximize every tool at our disposal to get a win.”

With 15+ years of experience in Congress & City Hall, within the Obama Administration and on the campaign trail, Brad uses his unique and extensive knowledge of policy, politics, and process to guide clients through today's complex political environment, particularly on issues related to tax, trade, defense/NDAA, health care, financial services, appropriations, antitrust, tech, budget/fiscal, and more.

“Brad and I both know all too well that traditional efforts only get you so far and don't fully take into account how decisions are actually made in Washington," said Adams, CSG founding senior adviser & political director. "At CSG, we focus on comprehensive and innovative strategies that get better, quicker results."

CSG Founding Strategic Advisor & Political Director knows what motivates Members of Congress. A veteran of some of the most competitive races in the country, Sally gained national recognition for running a congressional office on Capitol Hill known for its bipartisanship and effectiveness.

Adams most recently served as chief of staff and legislative director to former Congressman and Blue Dog leader Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ), who sat on the powerful Energy & Commerce Committee. Prior to her time on Capitol Hill, Sally worked in the private sector helping clients get public policy results in Congress and across two presidential administrations. She advanced her client’s interests in defense, veterans’ affairs, state and foreign operations, immigration, plant-based agriculture, and environmental education policy, and successfully got language passed into law.

With an innovative, cost-efficient approach to public affairs, CSG has secured a number of strategic partnerships with Republican and Democratic strategists and a bipartisan communications firm who will help CSG clients more effectively respond to sudden policy, political, and/or regulatory developments that can derail even the best plans.

“CSG’s strategic partnerships allow us to craft and integrate proven public affairs strategies at a moment’s notice," said Howard. "By scaling up and down based on current needs, our innovative approach helps clients quickly address unexpected challenges while cutting costs. We’ll also help clients mitigate and manage crisis situations because in this hyperpartisan, corporate-conscious consumer environment, an organization's action or inaction can quickly lead to disastrous, long-lasting damage to even the most beloved brand."

Corcoran Street Group said its full suite of services include lobbying, public affairs, communications, coalitions, crisis mitigation and management, and campaigns.



THE WELL NEWS: “After a Decade on Capitol Hill, Brad Howard Steps Out on His Own”